A Love Letter

Thank you for your heart warming love letter, mommy SCL!



My daughter, Natalie, joined Children's Vineyard when she was in Kindergarten 1. I am glad that we have found this awesome preschool that exceeds our expectations towards our girl's learning. Children's Vineyard is led by Ms. Judy who is a passionate educator who goes the extra mile to help the pupils in their learning journeys. Despite being the principal, the pupils do not simply look up to her as a person of authority but one whom they adore and can relate to at all times.


As an educator myself, I am not a fan of Montessori education, However, I did not regret putting my girl in Children's Vineyard as their revised Montessori programme ensures that the pupils are ready for the drastic change in the Primary school learning. The curriculum is in line with the Primary school syllabus and the pedagogues adopted by the teachers are those used by Primary educators too. For instance, their structured reading programme has helped my girl to develop into a proficient and avid reader. I must say she is more than ready for her Primary one journey next year.


Other than having a strong curriculum, the teachers are one of the great reasons that makes learning in Children's Vineyard fantastic. They are so loving and patient that I am thankful to know that my girl is enjoying her learning with no fear in making mistakes at all. Enjoyment & engagement are important factors for learning and I am glad that these are not shortchanged.


Thank you Judy and all the teachers in Children's Vineyard who have helped Natalie in setting her foundation in academic learning as well as her character development. No words can describe our gratitude and appreciation towards all of you. Once again, thank you.